STEB camps

STEB meeting at IST 4.-6.10. 2021

After a pandemic break, we managed to organize the IST camp again. It took place on 4-6 October and was attended by 26 of the most successful STEB students participating in the seminar during the last two years.

We visited different laboratories where we saw scientists at work, we had a close look at their model organisms as well as the state-of-the-art instruments that scientists use to collect data. We were guided through the laboratories by young scientists who enthusiastically answered all our questions and even allowed us to try out some of the equipment.

An important part of the programme was a coffee and cake session with the scientists, where the students had the opportunity to talk not only about the work of the different research groups at IST, but also about the studies of the individual young scientists and their way to IST.

Online meeting 16.08-20.08 2021

Location: zoom

Time: From 16.08-20.08 from 14:00-19:00

Who can attend: Anyone interested in learning how STEB is run, what colleges its former participants attend, or in other interesting topics in biology. We welcome STEB participants, people who have never solved STEB, biology enthusiasts, friends, classmates, just anyone who is interested.

Speakers:   STEB organizers and article authors

If you have questions, feel free to send them to us - or, better yet, come and ask us directly at the online meetup.

We look forward to seeing you!

Some lectures were recorded by agreement with the lecturers. You can watch them here. 




Decolonization of curriculum


De novo genes


Ants and hygiene