STEB: Rules

Submitting your project

You can submit your answers and the project write-up electronically via our Google Classroom. You will be added to our Google Classroom after you complete the registration form and provide us with your valid gmail address. Alternatively, if you don't have a gmail address or don't wish to use Google Classroom, you can send your projects to



You are competing in this category if this is the first time you are entering the STEB competition. The individual series can be found here.

You are competing in this category if you have already participated in STEB during the previous school year.

Apart from that, if you are in the last year of high school, but enter STEB for the first time, you may also compete in this category. The individual series can be found here.

You are competing in this category if you have already succesfully completed STEB for at least two years  before.  The individual series will be sent to you after an initial consultation.